Sparkle and Glam Cleaning

Fall Back Into Your Routine

New school schedules, sports practice and more can have our families moving in all directions every day of the week. While change is hard to adjust to, making a routine and a schedule can make life just a little bit easier to tackle the long list of chores and duties. Here’s some tips to help you “fall back into a routine” and stay organized.

Sundays are for Scheduling:

Plan your meals and go grocery shopping for the week. Take the time in the morning to start the laundry, and get the kids involved to chip in. (As in, ask them to flip the laundry loads over while you’re at the grocery store.) Hopefully, by the evening you will have the laundry tackled, food prepped, and meals planned. Don’t forget to have a “Funday Sunday!” A couple of hours away to relax and unwind is always necessary for happiness and health.

Fridays to Formulate a Plan:

Take a moment to see what needs cleaning and what room is doing ok. Would it be easier for you to clean a room at time, or dedicate a day to clean the whole house all at once? For most busy families, creating projects for the entire family to clean room by room works best. By taking stock on a Friday, you can give your children enough time to plan when they can help clean the home during their weekend time off.

These routines are just a small way that you can make a big impact on your family routine and keep your home tidy and organized. Here at Sparkle and Glam Cleaning, we’ve got you covered if you need help along the way.